Aliens, directed by James Cameron, is undoubtedly one of the most beloved science fiction and action films of the 80s. This sequel not only expands on the universe presented in the first installment, but also brings forth a plethora of memorable scenes that have been etched in the memories of Alien saga fans. Among them, the famous knife game scene stands out, where tension, camaraderie, and an unexpected accident come together to add to the behind-the-scenes story.
“I may be synthetic, but I’m not stupid”
The iconic scene in question (any NehruvianDoom fans out there?) takes place in the mess hall of the Sulaco ship, where the crew members unwind and challenge each other. In this setting, the android Bishop, played by Lance Henriksen, showcases his skill through a knife trick known as the “Bishop’s Knife Trick” or “Five Finger Fillet”. At this moment, the character Hudson, portrayed by Bill Paxton, becomes an unwitting participant, placing his hand under Bishop’s as he swiftly stabs between his comrade’s fingers with a knife.
The trick is a demonstration of Bishop’s extraordinary android abilities, but what started as a display of skill turned into a small drama when actor Bill Paxton had an accident. According to Henriksen, during one of the takes, Paxton moved just as the knife was falling, resulting in a small cut that left a blood blister. Henriksen recalls it humorously:
“I gave Bill a blister; he moved his pinky finger into the line of fire and I nicked him. I didn’t even cut his finger, and he was acting like I stabbed him with an icepick! It was pretty funny, actually. I felt bad about it… but not really.”
This scene, which may initially seem like just a comedic moment within an intense action narrative, also reveals the complexity of the dynamics on the set. The actors’ willingness to improvise and their interaction contributed to the magic found in the film. Henriksen mentions that the original idea was for him to perform the trick alone, but he unexpectedly decided to include Paxton, adding an extra level of camaraderie to the plot and risk to the sequence.
“When I read the script, I saw the ‘knife trick’ scene and wondered how Jimmy (James Cameron) would do it. So I went to all these stores and bought different types of knives to practice. I had no idea which one we would use.”
Interestingly, Henriksen was detained at customs due to the large number of knives he had brought from the United States. This could have been a major setback, but fortunately, 20th Century Fox managed to resolve the situation, allowing the filming to continue. The scene was initially shot without issues, but the accident was just around the corner. Henriksen recalls that at the end of the day, the cast spent a long night drinking, and unfortunately, the editing team, upon checking the scenes, decided that the knife trick looked too fake when they sped up the scene to create the android’s skills effect. Hence, they chose to reshoot the trick the next day, after the night of revelry, and this time, Henriksen nicked Paxton’s pinky finger with the knife.
While this accident became part of the anecdote surrounding one of the most remembered scenes of the series, it also underscores the importance of camaraderie among the actors and the work environment they were in, something that is evident in the interaction among the members of the colonial marines team. If you’re keen on reliving the intensity and humor of the scene and rewatching Aliens, the complete Alien saga is available on Disney+.
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